Saturday, April 28, 2012

Monthly Update - April

I haven't been taking pictures in weeks. It's a shame because I've had lots of free time, but for whatever reason I've been run down with photography. I have lost the drive and passion for it (obviously this was only temporary). I got through weird artistic phases where I will go weeks, maybe months, of shooting everyday and I can produce amazing work. But, on the other side I can go days, sometimes weeks, where my camera will just sit and collect dust. But that's normal for me, I need breaks between shooting everyday and not to collect my thoughts and generate new ideas and renew my work. 

With that being said, during this month and the end of March I shot a lot and thought I would share some of those images with you all.



If you follow me on flickr or twitter or facebook you would have already seen some of these pictures. But for those who haven't please follow!
Also, I've been pretty good at keeping up with my site.
If you have any questions or request for pictures, blog post, or anything just email me at ☺

xx austin

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